Friday, October 14, 2011

Late September

You all are so patient. Thanks for your prayers.
School and Fall and all their glory took quite a toll on us as we tried to build momentum. Good news is we finally seem to be getting some traction. Bad news isnt all that bad, but we are running at a pretty high volume.
I did get my prayer day in September, but it was a week later than usual due to Fall busy-ness, but wanted to up date you on things you can pray for...
  1. Family: Pray for my Mom as she lost her job this week.
  2. Family: Pray for some upcoming very difficult family decisions. More on that as we are able.
  3. Family: Pray for our consistent family devotional times. We have been doing it, but we are having to fight for it.
  4. Beacon: Pray for this new series GOD: His Never Ending Story. It will be almost a full year series and we are taking some significant risks in the way we pursue curriculum and discipleship, but we are already seeing great promise and results. Pray for freshness and commitment to God's Word.
  5. Beacon: We are in a vision casting season called FOCUSING. Will you pray that we hear God's voice for this community?
  6. City: Pray for the Fire Department. The men are praying at 5pm for 5 minutes every day for the City and negotiations and for the other fire fighters.
  7. City: Pray for unity in the Body of Christ in Orange. I am trying to meet 2 pastors each month.

Thats the big stuff for now. I hope to get my Prayer day on the 27th of October and will update you after that.

Thanks again. How can I pray for you?

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