I spent my prayer time yesterday at Marywood Center here in Orange. It is up for sale ($27million to pay for the Crystal Cathedral). It would be great to have a retreat center like this in Orange County. Pray this can happen somehow!
- On May 30, we celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary! God is good!
- Great trip to Israel. Kids did fantastic. Nathan just did a 2.5 hour presentation at school.
- MCS Headmaster & OPD chief is interested in going to Israel.
- We should be refinancing our home today or tomorrow. This will create some flexibility in our finances.
- I am walking with another pastor on how to have monthly prayer days.
- National Day of Prayer opened some great opportunities for the Body of Christ to be together including a time of prayer in the Police Department with the chief.
- A potential speaking engagement in late summer with my family would be a great way to finish the summer. I will be deciding in the next couple days.
- We are trying to create margin in our family. Space to allow God to lead, not our calendars. Its hard with middle school aged kids.
- Carolyn needs a procedure on her teeth soon. She is having headaches. It should be done in early June.
- Over the summer I am finishing the Speaking calendar for 2013/14 and the Congregation calendar.
- Pray for the Beacon finances. It isnt pretty.
- Planning has begun for the 2014 visit of 800 youth from all over North America. Pray for strong partners in the city with vision.
- June 7-8 Strategic Team Retreat
- June 22-29 Since Carolyn used her vacation time in Israel, our vacation time as a family will only be one week this year, but the great news is we got 3 nights in Yosemite.
- June 30 to July 6 For the rest of my vacation, NEO & I are headed to Boyscout Camp in Kern. I will be one of 4 adults leading 23 boys. Pray for safe driving in addition to the things mentioned above.
- July 22-27 Nathan will be at Forest Home with our Children's Ministry.
- July 21-27 Keziah will be with our youth on a mission trip to downtown LA.
Have a blessed summer!