Thursday, September 27, 2012

NEW September 2012

TWICE IN ONE MONTH!  There are two parts to making this happen... 1. Having my day to pray and 2. Taking the time to type the results of that day to you.  So, I am becoming more consistent on my prayer days (yeah!) and trying harder to write them down, so without further ado...


  1. We are on a great vision path for the Fall.
  2. Super responses from the Elmo principal about partnership.
  3. New families are visiting us.

Prayer requests:

  1. I found out my wrist is broken.   I have had two opinions on it and looking for a third.  I t doesn't look like surgery can do much, but I am losing my ability to do some things (like handwriting) as i am write handed.  Pray for wisdom as I would be in a cast for up to 9 months with only a 50% chance of success.
  2. I have some terribly emotional situations that I am dealing with right now involving marriages going bad.  PTL none at the Beacon right now.  It is taking its toll on me and Carolyn.
  3. Finances at the Beacon are not dire, but have hit rock bottom. This too becomes emotional since we none of our staff can afford a reduction in pay.
  4. Membership covenants are being collected now for the Fall drive.
  5. Wisdom about invitations to speak outside of the Beacon.
  6. Israel trip preparation.
  7. Pray we finish our 2011 taxes.
  8. Team lead openings: Advent, Resurrection, Connection team (overseas life groups)
  9. Restructuring of all church retreat to day retreat (due to Beacon financial situation) and response from our people. 
  10. That I can organize a pastors day retreat for orange pastors.


  1. Teaching Awaken on Tuesday nights in October.
  2. mayors prayer breakfast on 18th
Lots happening as you can tell,  thanks for praying.  

ONE FINAL NOTE: It is September and I want to free you or re enlist you for another year of praying for our family.  

  1. Nathan and Keziah are more involved in lacrosse and dancing this year which tightens up our schedule.  Pray for rest.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 2012

Good morning to you all.

I can keep apologizing and promising to do better, but that seems repetitious and meaningless.  So I will move on and do my best.

This fall is looking promising.  I am excited about the momentum we are feeling as things prepare to launch this fall.  Please pray that I am able to present a compelling vision of the future.  Orange Sunday is this weekend and I will layout the strategy for this year.

Specific prayer would be appreciated in several areas...
1. I broke my wrist a few years ago, but just found out a few weeks ago.  I need surgery and will be in a cast for 6 months.  It is my writing hand.
2. I am swamped with marriages falling apart lately.  No Beacon ones PTL, but still significant relationships.  It has been emotionally draining.
3. The trip to Israel is on the books and we will be announcing it soon.  Lots of work to do to prep for that.
4. We need to finish our taxes for 2011.
5.  School has started and we are trying to find our rhythm as a family.
6.  The Beacon just ran out of cash.  Give us wisdom Lord.
7.  We are in the process of electing new elders and a new constitution.  Not easy.

I know this is shorter than usual, but I wanted to post something for you.

Blessings and thank you!