It seems abit cliche after a week in cowboy country, but I am back in the swing of things are roaring at 100 miles an hour. In terms of prayer...
--- pray as we visit my Grandfather tomorrow for what could be the last time.
--- pray as the Beacon transitions to Saturday night services for the summer. Summerfest 2011includes ice cream trucks, Nazareth (comedian)(16th) City Serve Celebration with Milele (from Africa) (23rd), special food nights and ends with Soul Surfer (movie)(Aug. 26)
--- pray for kids camp next week at Pondo (I will be a counselor the last half of the week)
--- pray for our City Serve week with youth from all over North America coming as we plug them in with our partners in the city.
Thats a lot, but thanks for praying. We got alot of rest on vacation and I am ready to hit this stuff hard. Praise God for the teams who covered me in my absence, especially Marcus Little, and Mike Moore.