Friday, October 14, 2011

Late September

You all are so patient. Thanks for your prayers.
School and Fall and all their glory took quite a toll on us as we tried to build momentum. Good news is we finally seem to be getting some traction. Bad news isnt all that bad, but we are running at a pretty high volume.
I did get my prayer day in September, but it was a week later than usual due to Fall busy-ness, but wanted to up date you on things you can pray for...
  1. Family: Pray for my Mom as she lost her job this week.
  2. Family: Pray for some upcoming very difficult family decisions. More on that as we are able.
  3. Family: Pray for our consistent family devotional times. We have been doing it, but we are having to fight for it.
  4. Beacon: Pray for this new series GOD: His Never Ending Story. It will be almost a full year series and we are taking some significant risks in the way we pursue curriculum and discipleship, but we are already seeing great promise and results. Pray for freshness and commitment to God's Word.
  5. Beacon: We are in a vision casting season called FOCUSING. Will you pray that we hear God's voice for this community?
  6. City: Pray for the Fire Department. The men are praying at 5pm for 5 minutes every day for the City and negotiations and for the other fire fighters.
  7. City: Pray for unity in the Body of Christ in Orange. I am trying to meet 2 pastors each month.

Thats the big stuff for now. I hope to get my Prayer day on the 27th of October and will update you after that.

Thanks again. How can I pray for you?

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Back in the Saddle again...

It seems abit cliche after a week in cowboy country, but I am back in the swing of things are roaring at 100 miles an hour. In terms of prayer...
--- pray as we visit my Grandfather tomorrow for what could be the last time.
--- pray as the Beacon transitions to Saturday night services for the summer. Summerfest 2011includes ice cream trucks, Nazareth (comedian)(16th) City Serve Celebration with Milele (from Africa) (23rd), special food nights and ends with Soul Surfer (movie)(Aug. 26)
--- pray for kids camp next week at Pondo (I will be a counselor the last half of the week)
--- pray for our City Serve week with youth from all over North America coming as we plug them in with our partners in the city.
Thats a lot, but thanks for praying. We got alot of rest on vacation and I am ready to hit this stuff hard. Praise God for the teams who covered me in my absence, especially Marcus Little, and Mike Moore.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Late April Update

Hey Crew,

Thanks for so many of you chipping in to support our family and me through prayer. It really is my intention to update this at the end of each month after my day of prayer (4th Thursdays of each month). However, 2 weeks ago I was asked to attend the Federation of Fire Chaplains Conference in San Diego on the day I had planned to spend in prayer. As a result, I dont have as much detail to get to you. Here are a few quick things...

(P.S. We moved our offices and this blog was frozen in a DSL incident and didnt get posted until after my Dad's visit. Sorry!)


  • Our Resurrection Celebrations were SOOO good! It was like going to the gym after you have not been in a while and getting in a really satisfying workout. It was perfect and beautiful, and satisfying. Check out the Beacon Facebook page for some pictures.

  • We moved our offices. Good news and bad. Good news because we are in a more spacious and safe office space and are actually in the City of Orange now.We moved into the old Wycliffe Bible Translators building off Prospect and Chapman. Please come visit! This is the good news. The bad news isnt really bad, its just that I had begun some great relationships at the old building with some people who could use the hope of Jesus and I know I wont see them every day anymore. (update: I dropped in for a visit with a few of them today 5/6).) The other tough part is unpacking.

  • We have a whole group of NEWBIES coming to the Beacon. Brand spanking new, no previous church connection and it is exciting!

  • May 30th is the 13th wedding anniversary for Carolyn and I. Yeah!


  • My Dad is coming in to town for the week. It is not a social visit. His father (my grandfather) is elderly and might not be around much longer, so we are going to say goodbye. Neith erof them are Christ-Followers, so please pray! (5/6 update: great visit and Grandpa's health is improved)

  • I began a new series on Comparitive World Religions this week called "What's the difference?" It is a touchy subject. Several non-Christ Followers were in the audience this past week and others that are still sensitive to the religion of their family or culture. Pray I have the study time to do this subject service.

  • Next week (May 12-15), Patti and I are speaking at a conference for Rock Harbor and David C. Cook. I have a lot oto prep, including tomorrow (May 3) I am doing an all day video taping session for the conference. Lord, giv e me rest and peace.

  • May 20-21 I am leading the 2nd Session of AWAKEN for our people. So excited to see how this seminar continues to change lives.

Thanks again for praying!


Monday, May 02, 2011

April Catch up Notes

Hey crew,

Thanks for so many of you chipping in to support our family and me this way. It is my intention to update this at the end of each month after my day of prayer, however, last week I was asked to attend the Federation of Fire Chaplains Conference in San Diego on the day I had planned to spend in prayer. As a result, I dont have as much to get to you. Here are a few quick things...


  • Our Resurrection Celebrations were so good. It was going to the gym after you have not been in a while and getting in a really satisfying workout. It was perfect and satisying. God is good!

  • We moved our offices. Good news and bad. Good because we are in more space and actually in the City of Orange now. We moved into the old Wycliffe Translators building off Prospect and Chapman. Please come visit. That is the good news. The bad news isnt really bad, its just that I had just begun some great relationships at the old building with some people who need the hope of Jesus desperately and now I wont see them everyday. The other tough part is unpacking.

  • May 30, our 13th wedding anniversary! Yeah!


  • My Dad is coming in to town for the week. It is not a social visit. His father is elderly and might not be around much longer, so we are going to say goodbye. Neither of them are Christ Followers, so please pray.

  • I began a new series on Comparitive World Religions this week called "What's the difference?" It is a touch subject. Several non-Christ Followers in the audience yesterday. Others who are still sensitive to the religion of their families. Pray I have study time to do this subject service. (1st Message is on our website)

  • Next week (May 12-15), Patti and I are speaking at a conferernce for Rock Harbor and David C. Cook. I have a lot to prep, including tomorrow (May 3) I am doing an all day video taping session for the conference. Lord, give me peace and rest.

  • May 20-21 I am leading the 2nd Session of AWAKEN for our people. So excited to see how this seminar continues to change lives.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Prayer Warriors

I write this to you listening to Gregorian Chants in a 225 year old wood and adobe chapel. I am on a silent retreat day trying to get a grasp on all the things in my life and people too. THANK YOU for agreeing to pray for me and my family.

As I mentioned in the initial letter, you all I ask is that you...
  1. add us to your regular prayer list. You can pray generically.
  2. I will send periodic (at least monthly) and specific prayer requests including important things on my calendar. I only ask that once you receive the requests, that you pray immediately. After that, pray as often or as little as you are led.
  3. VERY IMPORTANT: If you feel the Lord is prompting you in prayer about something, will you promise to let me know what He is telling you?
That is it! It is my goal to get a prayer list to you once a month at the minimum. Usually by the end of the month. Lois Hudson is taking the lead as my prayer team captain. She may contact you with information more often.

So here is my agenda for the rest of this month and for April...
25-26 AWAKEN I lead the training of 30 of our leaders in understanding God's work in their lives.
  • Pray for Carolyn and I to get some quality time alone together.
  • Pray for relationships with some great believers in the fire department
10 END OF FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY many people new to our church to find a place to transition to.
END OF MESSAGE SERIES ON MATTHEW 22-26 Call to Discipleship
24 SUNRISE SERVICE with the community @ Fairhaven Park

  • 1st Thursdays Orange Pastors Prayer meeting. I am really trying to develop a sense of unity in our the Body of Christ in Orange.
  • YG11 MEETINGS We have 800-1000 teens from all over North America coming this summer for 3 days to serve in our community and we need to shore up the partnerships in the city that we will be serving.
  • ISRAEL 2012 - We are in the final phases of negotiations for our 6th pilgrimage to the Holy Lands. It takes time and wisdom.
  • Husband: reschedule regular date nites. Get meal menu back online.
  • Father: Split date night 2 times a month. 1x with each kid.
  • Disciple: Quiet time without distractions. Monthly retreat days.
  • Friend: Meet with core friends monthly.
  • Catalyzer: Meet with 2 people and explore God's path for them.
  • Creative: Work on Summerfest 1/2 day per month.
  • Networker: Meet with 1 new pastor in Orange each month (42 evangelical churches in Orange)
  • Team Leader: Awaken Training two times in by May.
Thank you for your prayers. I trust that is enough to start with.

Please let me know how I can return the favor. We would love to pray for you as well.

Love you all!

FROM CAROLYN: Pray that we can make family time a priority in the midst of the busyness.